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Swapping Shoes

I want to talk about priorities.

Branding guidelines, brand focus and industry jargon are there for a good reason and fulfill a purpose, however, when it comes to video - creativity, innovation and engagement should come first.

Here’s why…

Ok, let me set the scene. You’ve decided to invest some of your budget on video. You’ve run the numbers, cleared it with your management, set your deadline and chosen your production company. Great! Now you just need to make sure it contains the correct brand font, only includes the brand colours, presents the brand message and the logo is nice and big and present at all times; then all the stakeholders will sign it off and I can tick off video content for this quarter.

Sound at all familiar? Unfortunately far too many companies see making a video as the end goal. It’s not a product, it’s a process. Although all your guidelines and branding are important to your company what’s actually important to your customers?

Put yourself in their shoes. What do you take away from your video? Are you left feeling inspired? Amused? Informed? Curious maybe? Or is this another advert you’ll skip through or a YouTube video or website you’ll bounce from? Will you even come across it in the first place?

The kind of questions you should be asking yourself at the beginning of the process are:

- What are we trying to achieve with this video?

- Who is our target audience?

- What kind of content does our audience like?

- Which video platform they use?

- Which social networks?

- Which metrics am I going to track to see if the video is achieving our goals and producing ROI?

Answering these questions and picking the right video production company should come first. Second should come collaboration between the two of you to come up with a creative, innovative and engaging idea for your video.

There’s a reason the original ‘corporate video’ is dying out; it even sounds boring! Trying to create outside the box content that stands out from the crowd might sound risky but your audience will thank you and so will the C suite when that audience becomes your customers!

To prove my point here’s John West putting themselves on the map in one of the best adverts ever.

Let us know what you think by commenting below or even send us an email!


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Categories: General